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The Adventure Saw Blade

Shop & Such

Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

The Adventure Saw Blade


The Adventure Saw Blade


- Ready for an Adventure? We sure are…

- Hand-painted Circular Saw Blade.

- Each piece is one of a kind created with acrylic paint 

- Measures 7.25” x .2”


- Item has sharp points; Use Caution.

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A Brief History of Charlestowne Landing

We all have the privilege of being part of history. Not so much because we have created some new invention, medicine or social algorithm that brings happiness to everyone but because we just happen to be where we are when we are.

Real historians like to populate their writing and oral dissertations with items of real information shared by one or two people and sometimes groups who shared similar ideas and goals.

On the 300th anniversary of the founding of Charleston (1970)--  Charles Towne Landing was created as a tribute to the land originally founded by the English colonists who left England for a brighter, free-er life for themselves and their progeny.

The first Carolina settlers landed at Albemarle Point - west of the Ashley River -  just across and south of the peninsula that would later become Charles Towne (1680); Charles City (1729) and finally Charleston (1741).

An impressive 604-acre site, Charles Towne Landing, has remained open as a Parks and Recreation facility operated by the state and by local authorities since its opening in 1970. It has seen many changes and improvements over its lifetime including the removal of the original meeting facility-- a geodesic dome – which was used for various functions. The pavilion has seen modifications over the years with the goal to increase its public desirability.

The nature trail has always been popular with visitors who try their best to view the animals from the elevated walkways that traverse the habitat.

One of the other very popular facilities located at Charles Towne landing is the Legare-Waring House which reflects the style of many of the buildings throughout the Lowcountry-- whether in downtown Charleston or on many of the plantations. You can't come away from Charles Towne landing without visiting their tall-ship, “The Adventure.” The current model - like its predecessor – is a replica of a 17th century ketch that plied Charleston Harbor. From its maritime beginnings, it hauled all sorts of cargo and passengers. It is a traditionally rigged vessel with two masts - the main and the mizzen - with the mainsail being forward and the mizzenmast being amidships (in the middle). Some had a lower boom that allowed it to be used as a crane for loading or unloading cargo. The main mast exceeded 40 feet in height which resulted in the nickname of “tall ship.”

There are multiple designs of tall ships that will fill picture books with visions of days gone by and history being made, but you don't have to go far in Charleston to actually feel the excitement of being part of the founders’ history or the thrill of being at sea on a ship that is still making history with every visit.

~ David Joyner