Such and Such Designs

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Such & Such Home

Such and Such Designs is a passion project for a family of Charleston locals.

David and Jeannie Joyner are lifelong residents of the Lowcountry who have always been interested in the arts in one form or another. Living in the number one city in the world, with its wonderful weather, beautiful beaches and grand historical buildings, it's their desire to capture the charm and beauty of it all in the art that they produce.

Welcome to Such and Such Designs!

This weeks New and/or Featured Product is…

Pineapple Fountain Decorative Slate

- Hand-painted Rectangle Slate

- Pineapples are sweet and so are you.

- Each piece is one of a kind created with acrylic paint 


- Approx. 8" x .2" x 11".

Hand-Painted Home Accents from Charleston, South Carolina, 

#1 City in the United States by

Travel & Leisure Magazine


Original hand-painted bricks, glassware, saw blades, and Terra Cotta pots

created by lowcountry native, Jeannie Joyner. 


Check back for new products celebrating the holy city weekly!!!